THE Western Trust is advising the public that the implementation of Pay and Display Parking at Altnagelvin Hospital’s main South Wing entrance.
The new arrangements will be operational from Monday 9 October 2017.
Teresa Molloy, Director of Performance and Service Improvement at the Western Trust said:
“The Trust implemented new Car Parking Operational Procedures on the Altnagelvin site in October 2016 to improve management of traffic and car parking.
Following feedback from patients and visitors requesting the need for accessible paid spaces close to South Wing, 58 Pay and Display spaces have been put in place for patients and visitors use, to improve access to the South Wing entrance.
She added: “These spaces will be charged for patients and visitors at the same 80p per hour rate as the Multi-Storey and A&E Car Parks on the site.
“It will be operational from Monday, October 9, 2017.”