The upgrade of the A5 road is vital for job creation and growth in the North West, West Tyrone MP Pat Doherty has said.
The Sinn Fein representative was speaking after attending a meeting held in Leinster House in Dublin at which the Republic’s National Roads Authority made a presentation on the development of cross-border roads to the Good Friday Agreement Implementation Committee.
At the meeting Pat Doherty raised the need to expedite the development of the A5.
Speaking after the meeting, he said: “The North West has been particularly hard hit with the recession, job losses and emigration. There is a need for significant investment to tackle disadvantage and enhance the competitiveness of the region. Businesses need support and our people need jobs. Central to economic development is the A5.
“There is a need for the authorities in the north and south to work closer together to ensure the planning process and preparations of contacts are developed to ensure that the work can be completed as soon as finance is available.”
Mr Doherty concluded: “In the North there is a need to expedite the agreed road works to ensure there is no further slippage in time.”