Abuse against vulnerable adults within the Western Health Trust area continues to rise, it has been revealed.
Between 1 April 2013 and 31 December 2013, 534 adult safeguarding referrals were received by the Trust.
As a result, the Western Health and Social Care Trust (Western Trust) has announced that abuse against vulnerable adults will be the focus of an awareness week being held next month.
Western Local Adult Safeguarding Partnership (LASP) is asking the public to join them in saying there is “No Excuse for Abuse” during “Respect and Protect” week taking place from 10-15 March.
The Western LASP is keen to raise awareness of the abusive situations faced by older people, people with mental health issues, learning disability, physical disabilities and those with addictions.
Information will be available at a series of display stands across LASP members’ premises.
It is hoped the information provided will raise awareness of issues relating to all types of abuse of vulnerable people, help people to recognise abuse and give advice on what to do if they suspect someone is being abused.
Abuse can be physical/sexual (e.g. hitting or inappropriate behaviour), emotional, verbal (e.g. name calling) or financial (e.g. taking money or property).
Neglect can also be part of abuse. Neglect involves not doing something, such as not providing the adult with food, shelter, medication, or care.
Aidan Gordon, assistant for Adult Safeguarding Services, Western Trust said raising awareness about the potential for abuse to happen was the first positive step in preventing it.
He added: “LASP is dedicated to safeguarding all vulnerable people from abuse and encourages staff, as well as service users, carers and the general public to be vigilant and report any suspicions they may have.
“Abuse or neglect can happen to any adult. In fact, contrary to commonly held beliefs, adults who experience abuse or neglect are often mentally competent, are not dependent on other people, and do not require constant care.
“Abuse in any form is totally unacceptable. I think it is important to say that abuse is not just a health issue. It is also a societal issue, therefore requires us, as a society, to recognise the abuse of adults in all its forms and to report it if we come across it.”
If you are the victim of abuse, or if you are worried about someone who you think may have experienced or is being abused, exploited or neglected, then it is really important to seek help.
LASP would encourage anyone with concerns about an adult who may be at risk to inform your nearest social services office or PSNI station.
If you ever feel in immediate danger or think someone else may be in immediate danger, Dial 999.
The Western Trust Adult Safeguarding Service can be contacted at (028) 71611366 or (028) 82835980 for advise, guidance and support or contact the Regional Emergency Social Work Service (RESWS) (028) 95 049 999.