Representatives from several International Fairtrade organisations have visited Derry as part of a nationwide programme of events and activities organised to celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight.
During an event in the City Hotel, Mayor Cllr Martin Reilly, was presented with the certificate of Fairtrade City Status, awarded to the city by Fairtrade Ireland and the UK Fairtrade Foundation.
The presentation to the Mayor was made by two Fairtrade Producers, Alex Flores, Manager of a small Fairtrade Cashew Nut Co-operative in El Salvador and Alfredo Ortega, the Vice-Chair of the Belize Sugar Cane Farmers’ Association. Alex and Alfredo were accompanied during their visit by Peter Gaynor, Executive Director of Fairtrade Ireland.
Accepting the award on behalf of the city, Mayor Cllr Martin Reilly said the award recognised the dedication and commitment of many people, from across the city, who had embraced Fairtrade as a vehicle for promoting social justice for those in developing countries who produced many of the food items that we enjoy each day.
He added: “In accepting the award, I would like particularly to acknowledge the many retailers and catering businesses who make a conscious effort to source Fairtrade food and other items and to make these available to people in this city.
“I would also like to thank the members of the local Foyle Fairtrade Steering Group who have enthusiastically given of their time and energy over several years while working to achieve this award.”
Paul Rafferty, Environmental Health Officer, Derry City Council encouraged everyone to choose Fairtrade products.
He said: “Every time you choose a Fairtrade product you are helping to make a big difference to the lives of those farmers and their families.”
Anyone who may be interested in joining Foyle Fairtrade is invited to contact Paul Rafferty, Environmental Health Officer, on 028 71365151. For more information about Fairtrade, visit