More needs to be done to remove the “scourge”s of racism and sectarianism from society here, Liam Friel, Sinn Fein local election candidate in Derry has said.
Mr Friel was speaking after a number of racist attacks across the North including Derry.
He said: “Unfortunately there are still people who would physically assault and intimidate someone simply because they are of a different race or religious background.”
Mr Friel said such attacks not only had a “personal emotional” effect on their victims, they had a “negative impact” on society as a whole.
He added: “There is a clear need for Political and Civic leaders to condemn racial and sectarian attacks no matter whom or where they come from, and there is no room for complacency.”
“Undoubtedly, the issue of hate crime; covering racism, sectarianism and homophobic attacks, is one of the major challenges facing our society today.”
Mr Friel concluded: “We are on record as stating that everyone has a role to play in ensuring that we make it clear that racist ,sectarian and homophobic attacks are not acceptable in any community be it Derry, Belfast or Dublin.”