Derry Mayor Mayor Councillor Brenda Stevenson at a screening of the Exile DVD in Cultúrlann Uí Chanáin as part of Community Relations Week 2014 with Eamon Baker from the Holywell Trust, Jonathan Burgess and Sue Divin, Derry City Council Community Relations Officer. Photo: Martin McKeown. Inpresspics.com.
A new DVD resource using drama to kick-start conversation and the focused sharing of different viewpoints on a difficult historical issue in Derry has been launched at Cultúrlann Uí Chanáin in the city.
“Exile!” focuses on the current legacy of the 1970s “Exodus” of the Protestant community away from the cityside of Derry, the event marking the start of a 10 day long series of events for Community Relations Week 2014.
The DVD resource was developed in partnership between Jonathan Burgess in Blue Eagle Productions, Eamonn Baker in Towards Understanding and Healing and the Community Relations team in Derry City Council.
The DVD is a filmed version of drama scenes from Jonathan’s play “Exile!”
Mayor, Councillor Brenda Stevenson, attending the event said it was important communities engaged in conversations around dealing with the past.
She added: “Conversations like this one, which aim to be constructive and help us all move on together as a united community into the future. are always a positive step in promoting good relations.
“It is important that no matter what our background, we learn to walk in each other’s shoes and understand how history has impacted us and still impacts today.”