Concerns have been expressed about the problems created by groups of young people camping out at various locations in Derry.
Councillor Patricia Logue said she had received several complaints in recent days about groups of young people camping out in various locations in the city and the associated problems this created for residents, including ncluded late night noise, underage drinking and safety concerns.
Cllr Logue urged parents to check if their child told them they were staying overnight in a friend’s house that they actually were.
She added: :A lot of children get caught up in peer pressure and when you have ten, twenty young people out all night unsupervised then it can lead to problems.
“The residents that have spoken to me are not trying to be killjoys ,they know it’s the summer and young people want a bit of adventure but when you are kept up all night with groups of teenagers drinking and carrying-on close to your home it’s certainly not fun for them.”