Householders and landlords across Derry have been called on to check and service where needed, smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors, have chimneys cleaned and oil/gas burners serviced by professionals and ensure all fire exits are properly lit and easily accessible.
The call comes from SDLP Cllr Angela Dobbins, press officer for HAP (Home Accident Prevention).
She “strongly” urges everyone and in particular at this time of the academic year, landlords and property agents to follow the guidelines and regulations regarding heating appliances and help prevent unnecessary death due to carbon monoxide poisoning, a silent killer.
She added: “Parents of students returning to university should ensure that the accommodation acquired meets the necessary requirements with regard to smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors and that records of regular service to appliances is available.”
“As the longer, colder nights are fast approaching we are using our heat appliances and fires more often.
“These chimneys and flues have not been used during the summer months and could be blocked by soot, debris or even birds nesting.
After meeting involving the Fire Service, Cllr Dobbins was given the following advice:
If you and your household experience headaches, dizziness or nausea, go outside for a walk; if these symptoms reoccur on your return then follow simple guide…T.A.S.K
T… Turn off or extinguish the heating source/appliance (if safe to do so).
A… Air – ventilate your home by opening windows and doors, stay outside.
S… Seek medical help if you feel unwell.
K… Keep all heating sources/appliances off until serviced or cleaned by a qualified professional.
Cllr Dobbins added: “The Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service will come to your home if requested and will give advice on ensuring your home is not a fire risk.
“They also said that they provide and install smoke alarms free of charge.”
Cllr Dobbins concluded: “I strongly urge people to avail of this service.”