Derry City Council’s Environmental Health Officers are backing a campaign aimed at highlighting the potential dangers of purchasing part-worn tyres.
The campaign is part of Tyre Safety Month that is taking place across Northern Ireland during this month to make motorists more aware of the potential dangers of part-worn tyres.
Paul McSwiggan, Principal Environmental Health Officer with the Council, explained that with the price of motoring rising, one in ten motorists are choosing to purchase part-worn tyres, rather than new tyres.
He said: “While it is understandable that during these financially difficult times that people will try to save money where they can, unfortunately, when deciding to relieve the pressures on the bank balance with the purchase of part worn tyres, motorists may be taking an unnecessary and potentially dangerous risk.
“We are actively encouraging all sellers of part-worn tyres to ensure that all part-worn tyres they stock for supply meet the requirements of the regulations and ensure that all relevant staff are made aware of these requirements.”
Last year, Environmental Health Officers across the 26 District Councils in Northern Ireland took part in a survey exercise to assess part worn tyre retailers compliance with the Motor Vehicle Tyre (Safety) Regulations 1994 (as amended).
In December 2012, 18 District Councils purchased 37 part-worn tyres for testing and this is what they found:
92% (34 out of 37) of all part-worn tyres tested failed to meet fully the requirements of The Motor Vehicle Tyre (Safety) Regulations 1994 (as amended)
57% (21 out of 37) of part-worn tyres tested failed with regard to labelling alone.
22% (8 out of 37) of all part-worn tyres tested failed to meet the requirements of Section 7(5) ‘the grooves of the original tread pattern of the tyre must be of a depth of at least two millimetres across the full breadth of the tread and round the entire circumference of the tyre’.
22% (8 out of 37) of all part-worn tyres tested failed to meet the requirements of Section 7(2) ‘the tyre must not have –
a) any cut in excess of 25 millimetres or 10 per cent of the section width of the tyre, whichever is the greater, measured in any direction on the outside of the tyre and deep enough to reach the ply or cord;
b) any internal or external lump, bulge or tear caused by separation or partial failure of its structure; or
c) any of the ply or cord exposed internally or externally;
d) any penetration damage which has not been repaired.
A number of part worn tyres (three out 37 or 8%) tested fully complied however despite previous advice provided as part of the survey undertaken in September 2012 the test purchase exercise has revealed that the vast majority of part worn tyres sampled failed to comply with the 1994 Motor Vehicle Tyre (Safety) Regulations.
A staggering 35% (13 out of 37) of all part-worn tyres tested had serious faults that would potentially affect the safety of the tyre.
Derry City Council sampled three part-worn tyres as part of the 2012 survey and each one sampled was found not to comply with the legal requirements for part worn tyres.
The individual retailers were subsequently prosecuted and fined £100
Paul McSwiggan said that due to the significant number of faults found in part-worn tyres sampled officers at Derry City Council’s Environmental Health section would continue to sample and test part-worn tyres as part of their work plans, adding that part-worn tyres will be tested in accordance with the requirements of the regulations.
For further information on tyre safety motorists should visit the following website