The Action Cancer Big Bus.
Action Cancer’s mobile detection unit will be back in Derry at the end of the month for three days of pubic appointments in the city.
The cancer charity SuperValu Big Bus visit will be hosted by the Bogside and Brandywell Health Forum and be located a three different venues through the city.
On Saturday, 25 October, the mobile unit will be located at the Cathedral Youth Club in the Fountain area.
It will be at the Gasyard Centre, Lecky Road the following Monday, 27 October, with a final visit will be on Thursday, 30 October, when the unit will be located at the Old Library Trust at the Creggan Neighbourhood Partnership.
Anyone interested in making an appointment for the Big Bus when it is in the city should telephone Action Cancer in advance on 028 9080 3344.
Alternatively, you can book online by going to www.actioncancer.org, and follow the ‘online booking’ link on the home page.
Appointments will be available from 10.00am to 3.00pm each day. Bookings are taken on a first come first served basis as there are a limited number of appointments for all services.