Carlisle Road.
Carlisle Road in Derry is to get a £268,000 facelift.
The scheme will see the upgrading of 1,200 square metres of paving, 3,200 square metres of resurfaced carriageway and street lighting enhancements.
The paving upgrade and street lighting improvements are scheduled to be completed before the end of this month and the carriageway resurfacing is planned for early in the New Year.
The public realm schemehas been welcomed by Social Development Minister Mervyn Storey.
He said Carlisle Road was one of the main gateway routes into Derry’s city centre and the “much needed” facelift was therefore essential to create a favourable first impression for visitors to the city.
He added as a major shopping street, the work also enhance the streetscape for the people of Derry and complement the recently completed public realm schemes throughout the city centre.
He added: “Once completed, the combined works will result in an identifiable image and enhance the historic buildings in this unique conservation area.”