The maternity team at Altnagelvin Hospital receiving their Quality and Safety Award from Health Minister Jim Wells. Included are Gerry Guckian, Trust chairman and Elaine Way, chief executive.
The maternity team at Altnagelvin Hospital in Derry were among the major award winners at the Western Health Trus’s Staff Recognition Awards.
The team picked up the Quality and Safety Award.
The awards recognise the dedication and professionalism of health and social care staff make on the health and lives of thousands living in the Western Trust area.
Held at the Trust’s headquarters at Altnagelvin Hospital, the awards were hosted by the chairman of the Western Trust, Gerard Guckian and chief executive, Elaine Way.
Special guest at the ceremony, Health Minister Jim Wells, who presented the awards and paid tribute to the vital role played by health and social care staff in the West.
Anne Friel, head of pharmacy and medicine at Altnagelvin Hospital, was awarded the Leadership Award while sharing the chairman’s award with Dr Heath McCluggage, associate specialist paediatrician.
Other winners were:
Chairman’s Award was presented – Dr Heather McCluggage, Associate Specialist Paediatrician and Anne Friel, Head of Pharmacy and Medicine.
Leadership Award – Anne Friel, Head of Pharmacy and Medicine, Altnagelvin Hospital.
Support Worker – Diane Leslie, radiographer, Altnagelvin Hospital and Mary Taggart, laundry supervisor, Tyrone and Fermanagh Hospital, Omagh.
Improving Patient Service or Client Service Award – Sperrin Unit Staff, Altnagelvin Hospital and Dr Terry McManus and the Respiratory Team, South West Acute Hospital, Enniskillen.Quality and Safety Award
Quality and Safety Award – Maternity Team, Altnagelvin Hospital and South West Acute Hospital.
Patient and Public Involvement – Western Trust Smoking Cessation Team, Trustwide.
Team Award – Acute Medical Unit Team, Altnagelvin Hospita and Western Trust Sensory Team, Trustwide.
Behind the Scenes Award – Porters, Altnagelvin Hospital.