BY FIRSTSOURCE EMPLOYEE: I am not writing on behalf of Firstsource. I am contacting you on behalf of the silent majority. The reality is that there are issues in Firstsource like all other businesses and we have been working closely with senior management for at least 6 months to deal with these issues.
We have actively engaged through a collection of meetings to make Vice Presidents of the company aware of concerns and have implemented huge reform and saw moral improve at amazing levels. I agree that much more work needs to be completed, but, that will happen because there are genuine people in Team Leader positions and above who want to see more change that will see agents benefit from better working conditions, more transparency, open dialogue and communication as well as a more positive environment because if your team is happy; they perform better.
The most recent incident that has resulted in suspensions is a different matter altogether. It concerns serious allegations which are being investigated properly.
In response to the huge number of allegations that have come about recently; I wish to state categorically that the vast majority of what is being said is completely false or exaggerated. If what has been suggested was anywhere near true, I have no doubt at all that Firstsource would have ceased to operate in the UK a staggeringly long time ago because these allegations constitute huge breaches of UK labour laws. I do not believe that most of the accusations levelled at Firstsource are true.
People are providing one sided stories that fall far short of any semblance of credibility. I encourage anybody with a legitimate concern to actively engage with the HR department, their Team Leaders, senior management, the unions that have recently offered support as well as politicians that have offered their assistance, but, I want to actively discourage those people who are making false accusations, exaggerating their own personal experiences and “naming and shaming” on social media. If the call centre closes down in Derry as a result of these allegations, then, those people will be hugely responsible for the loss of hundreds of jobs and, ultimately, close to half a million pounds lost to the local economy every month.
Firstsource is not the hell it has been described to be. It is a business that needs to operate efficiently and professionally in order to be successful and profitable. The majority of staff, both at agent level and above, operate at this level and should be commended for doing so.
Others, that seem to be so vocal recently, should reflect on what their actions could potentially result in for hundreds of families that depend on Firstsource.