Otwarcie wystawy: piątek 23/01/2015 o godz. 19.00!!! SERDECZNIE ZAPRASZAMY!
An exhibition of Derry’s cultural diversity has been captured in a series of photographs taken by Polish artists who have made the city their home.
The Polish Abroad Photo Exhibition will be launched tonight at the Cascade Gallery, Waterside Theatre at 7pm and is open to the public.
This exhibition will be an opportunity to see Derry and its environs through their eyes.
Places, faces and moments captured in the frames are a manifestation of their personal experiences and a way to express themselves through the art of photography.
Polish Abroad Photo Exhibition is a project funded through Derry City Council Support Grant.
The Polish community in Derry City Council Area is one of the largest BME communities which over the last decade has added hugely to the cultural variety and richness of the City.
Polish Abroad is a non-profit community group established in 2008 in Derry-Londonderry supporting the Polish community in the North West.
The aims of the group include:
Contribute to the advancement of citizenship and community development through social, cultural and educational projects undertaken either independently or together with organizations sharing the same objectives.
Work in partnership with other community and charity organizations, Their Representatives and officials as well as other relevant organisations and agencies that formulate and implement strategies that constructive Encourage the promotion of the Polish community in the North West of Northern Ireland.
Raise awareness among the wider community of the needs and rights and the contribution of the Polish Community in the interest of community relations in the North West.
Bring together members of the Polish community that develop and advance their arts, culture and heritage.
Advance the education of the Polish community in the North West by providing educational opportunities.
The Exhibition runs from January 23rd -February 6th.
*The Waterside Theatre has called on any artists who would be interested in exhibiting their work in Cascade Gallery (32 metres of hanging space using the Boyer Picture Hanging System) at the Waterside Theatre please ring 02871 314000 or [email protected] to discuss.