Foyle MP Mark Durkan with part leader Alasdair McDonnell (right) and Margaret Ritchie along with Pubs of Ulster reps
FOYLE MP Mark Durkan has thrown his weights and measures behind a campaign to bring more tourism to the North by slashing VAT.
Licensees across the North complain that the 20 per cent VAT they pay is making it an uneven playing field against its counterparts across the border who only pay 10 per cent.
Mr Durkan said: “Today at Westminster, along with my party colleagues Alasdair McDonnell and Magaret Ritchie, I met with representatives from Pubs of Ulster and the Cut Tourism Vat campaign.
“I am supporting their call on the government to cut VAT rates for businesses in the tourism sector – something that is very important in Derry given the extent of our cultural offerings.”