Sinn Féin Councillor Patricia Logue has welcomed the news that the preferred option of a new state of the art play park is to be located within the Brandywell Showground’s.
This comes after a meeting with TRIAX , Council Officials and interested parties.
As part of the Social Investment Fund ‘Invest in Play’ Project, Derry City Council has secured £423,750 for play provision the Brandywell area.
Councillor Logue said, “I am very pleased that the preferred option to come before Derry City Council shortly for a new state of the play park will be in the Showground’s.
“This is another piece of that overall jigsaw of the Foyle Valley Gateway plans.
The plans for the redevelopment of the Brandywell, the Showground’s and the Daisyfield have been a long time coming but it’s brilliant that things are moving in the right direction over the last few months.
It will transform the entire area and have a positive impact on the lives of family’s right across the locality.
“Residents have been asking every time we are on the doorstep doing community surveys for children’s play facilities.