MATHS Week activities organised as part of Derry City and Strabane District Council’s Science and Innovation Programme got off to a great start at the weekend.
School kids and parents from across the Council area took part in a series of fun maths workshops and a Maths Trail at the Richmond Centre.
Its one of a series of events taking place across the city and district as part of Maths Week, an all-Ireland celebration of Maths taking place from 10-18th October involving local schools and colleges to celebrate ALL THINGS MATHEMATICAL.
Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council, Cllr Elisha McCallion says she is delighted the Council is involved in Maths Week and is encouraging kids of all ages to get involved.
“I think it’s really important that we do all we can to promote the STEM subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths and give young people the tools and knowledge needed to be more innovational and creative when choosing a career. It’s also important that we encourage them to be part of events and initiatives that include the presence of maths so that they can think in a computional manner and learn new skills in terms of problem solving and thinking outside the box,” she commented.
The Maths workshops and events at the Richmond Centre, which were facilitated by the Nerve Centre, CultureTech STEM Aware, and CEX, on Saturday were a huge hit with hundreds taking part.
The fun continues throughout the week including a series of lecture and workshops at the North West Regional College on Monday and Tuesday, the 12 and 13 October, for primary and post primary school children including an interactive presentation by Professor Colm Mulcahy from Spelman College in Atlanta and a Magic of Magic show talk by leading maths author Andrew Jeffrery.
Pupils will also be encouraged to attend hands-on workshops by the Museum of Mathematics Catalonia team and a STEM Aware led Lego Workshop.
On Wednesday and Thursday, the 14 and 15 October, a series of programmed maths activity will take place at local cultural hubs aimed at getting parents and children engaged in fun maths-led games.
Science and Innovation programme characters from Minecraft and Lego will be out and about the city and district during Maths Week promoting the events and engaging with the public while Science and Innovation Ambassadors will be on hand to offer and advice on up and coming events.
Oonagh McGillion, Director of Legacy with Derry City and Strabane District Council says Maths Week is a key element of the Council’s Science and Innovation programme of events and a great way to get people interested in STEM subjects.
“We are delighted to be involved in Maths Week and to be joined up in partnership with over 50 groups across the island of Ireland and work with local schools, colleges and the wider public to promote Maths. The week of activities will give curious minds and creative thinkers across the Council area the unique opportunity to engage in fun mathematical activities that will help develop their knowledge and skills.,” she added.
For more information on Maths Week 2015 – and for further information on the Science and Innovation programme visit