The Mayor Councillor Elisha McCallion, launching Derry City and Strabane District Council’s ‘Spice of Life’ 2016 Diversity calendar, at an event in St. Columba’s Heritage Centre, pictured with (from left), Sue Divan, Derry City and Strabane District Council community relations officer, Mairead Fox, centre manager and Jackie Parkington, council administer.
DERRY City and Strabane District Council have launched their annual ‘Spice of Life Diversity Calendar’ for 2016.
The calendar, which is being given away for free, showcases the vibrancy of the council area and the diversity it cherishes.
Speaking at the official launch in the St. Columba Heritage Centre on Monday, the Mayor, Councillor Elisha McCallion commended the calendar.
She said: “It is great to see such a creative, colourful and joyous promotion of local diversity.
“This year’s calendar is beautiful visually and is a great Christmas or New Year gift – but it equally carries a strong message of inclusion.
“This council area welcomes people of all traditions, religions and identities – as the Polish proverb on the calendar says ‘With unity there is strength’, or as another quote on the calendar states ‘We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry.’”
Funded under council’s Good Relations Strategy, the calendar uses only images taken within the council area to highlight the range of people, traditions and places locally.
It sets out key dates from a wide range of world religions as well as local events and includes some words of wisdom each month from different cultures and languages.
Community groups will be posted out a couple of copies each, but there is also a ‘giveaway’ to the public.
From Wednesday 9th December copies are being given away free ‘while stocks last’ at the following places:
– The Guildhall
– Strand Road Council Offices
– Shared Future Centre (Waterside Council Offices)
– Council’s Strabane Office
– Council leisure centres: Melvin, Riversdale, Castlederg, Brooke Park, Templemore and Foyle Arena.
– The Alley Theatre
Said Community Relations Officer Sue Divin: “The calendar is without doubt the most popular annual publication from the Good Relations Team in council.
“Once the 10,000 copies are gone that’s it, so we would advise people to collect their copy fast to avoid disappointment!
“There is an Arabic proverb on the calendar that reminds us that ‘Paradise without people is not worth living in’.
“This calendar celebrates people and place. It’s not designed to be a tourist calendar – it’s for local people to celebrate the council area we live in.”
Any community groups wanting multiple copies should contact [email protected] or telephone: 02871253253 ext 8223 at their earliest opportunity to arrange to collect up to 100 copies direct from the Shared Future Centre.
The initiative is funded through the District Council’s Good Relations Programme (CRU, OFMDFM).