THE WORLD’S biggest eco ship has arrived in Lough Foyle today, bringing a cargo of wind turbines into Derry Port.
The E-Ship 1 is a RoLo cargo ship is owned by the third-largest wind turbine manufacturer, Germany’s Enercon GmbH. It is used to transport wind turbine components.
The E-Ship 1 is a Flettner ship: four large rotorsails that rise from its deck are rotated via a mechanical linkage to the ship’s propellers. The sails, or Flettner rotors, aid the ship’s propulsion by means of the Magnus effect – the perpendicular force that is exerted on a spinning body moving through a fluid stream
The E-Ship 1 is equipped with nine Mitsubishi marine diesel engines with a total output of 3.5 MW. The ship’s exhaust gas boilers are connected to a Siemens downstream steam turbine, which in turn drives four Enercon-developed Flettner rotors. These rotors, resembling four large cylinders mounted on the ship’s deck, are 27 meters tall and 4 meters in diameter.