Sinn Fein Foyle MLA Raymond McCartney
SINN Féin Foyle MLA Raymond McCartney has called on NIE to resolve ongoing problems of power outages in the Cosquin area.
He was speaking after it was revealed there have been seven instances of power cuts in the area over the past year.
The Foyle MLA said: “My constituency office has received a number of complaints from businesses and residents living in the general Cosquin area about the loss of electricity supply on an ongoing basis.
“It’s alarming that there has been an interruption to supply on seven occasions in that area over the past year.
“That’s a very high figure for such a small geographical area.
“We have been in contact with NIE to raise these concerns and to try and get to the bottom of what is going on here.
“They have informed us that there is no common thread in the causes for the outages of power.
“I feel it’s very important that NIE review the entire electricity network in the area, look at solutions and move on whatever investment and system upgrade is needed.
“It’s intolerable to be sitting in your home on a dark winters night worrying about if your electric is going to go off.
“Or if you’re running a business or farm the financial implications that would have and looking after the likes of livestock,” added the MLA.