SINN Féin Councillor Colin Kelly has called for a collective response from the various agencies to resolve health and safety concerns along one of Derry busiest streets.
Councillor Kelly also said residents have described Ashfield and Kerr’s Terrace as the “forgotten street”.
He said: “Residents of Ashfield and Kerr’s Terrace are at their wits end in trying to get a resolution to the problems with the walkways and steps right outside their homes.
“In speaking to many long terms residents they are very angry about the current situation and have told me there have been problems with repair work and who is liable to carry out the work going back nearly twenty five years.
“They have described this as the “forgotten street”.
“The steps are in a very dangerous state, plaster is falling off the wall out onto Creggan Road.
“This is one of the busy roads in the city with traffic and pedestrians.
“It’s very dangerous for many of the older residents using the steps to go down the town or to mass.
“And is also very dangerous for children playing around the steps.
“They also can’t understand why the work needed could not be done to coincide with the multimillion pounds investment just across the street at Brooke Park.
“Over recent months I have had an onsite meeting with the Environmental Health officer.
“They have been trying to find out who has ownership of the land, steps and wall but as yet this still hasn’t been resolved.
“This cannot go on indefinitely I believe there needs to be collective approach from all agencies and get this work done before someone is seriously injured or part of the wall falls out onto the one of the busiest roads in the city,” added Cllr Kelly.