Sinn Fein MLA Michaela Boyle
SINN Féin MLA Michaela Boyle has raised the ‘Bluebox’ broadband blackout with the new Minister for the Economy this week as many homes throughout West Tyrone are still without service.
She said: “My constituency office has been inundated with calls from constituents who are affected by the blackout.
“It is a very serious situation with the huge number of people affected.
“People in areas such as Aghyaran & Plumbridge are poorly served by the traditional Broadband providers and many have had to look at alternative means of getting sufficient coverage for their homes and business.
“This has seen a large demand for satellite provision provided through Bluebox.
“Apparently thousands of homes have been affected by the Bluebox outage.
“Each affected home has to be visited and remotely switched back on. Our fear is that there are only a few engineers employed to do this so it could take months to resolve.
“The lack of Broadband coverage in rural areas across West Tyrone is a major problem and was one of the main issue raised with me on the doors during the recent election campaign.
“It isn’t acceptable that in 2016 homes and businesses in my constituency have little or no broadband or mobile coverage.
“This is something I have asked the newly appointed Economy minister to focus on and prioritise in the new mandate.
“I will continue to raise this issue regarding Bluebox service until we get a speedy resolution,” added Ms Boyle.