Derry Sinn Fein councillor Eric McGinley
SINN Féin Councillor Eric McGinley has welcomed proposed traffic calming measures for the Springvale Park area of Foyle Springs in Derry.
Cllr McGinley said: “Residents have expressed long standing concerns at the volume and speed of traffic using this part of Foyle Springs as a short cut between the Springtown Road and Northland Road.
“In response to requests from Sinn Féin traffic assessments had been carried out by Transport NI which confirmed the need for traffic calming measures.
“I welcome confirmation that design work is now taking place to determine the precise nature of the measures to be introduced.
“I would acknowledge Transport NI’s response to an issue which has been a source of great concern for residents for a considerable period of time.
“Transport NI will publish the traffic calming proposals in the near future and the scheme will proceed from that point if there are no objections raised.”