Sinn Fein councillor Paul Fleming
SINN Féin Councillor Paul Fleming has called on the Mayor to host a special meeting of Derry City and Strabane district Council to discuss the huge implications of last Thursday’s European Referendum vote has for the North West region.
Councillor Paul Fleming said: “We are making the call for this special meeting to be held by the Mayor.
“There will be huge implications for the North West region and indeed the North following the European Referendum.
“There is a lot of concern out there in the community about what all this will mean down the line for places like Derry and Strabane.
“We made clear in our referendum campaign that a vote to leave would be bad for business, bad for citizens and bad for Ireland.
“We are now witnessing the fallout of the vote in Britain to leave the European Union,” added Cllr Fleming.