SDLP Cllr John Boyle welcomes plans for new hotel and retail unit
PLAN for a new 116 bedroom city centre hotel have moved a step closer after members of Derry City and Strabane District Council’s Planning Committee granted full planning permission for the demolition of existing buildings at Great James Street and Strand Road.
As well as the hotel the new development will include three ground floor retail units and one ground floor restaurant, with all associated site and access works located at 29-35 Strand Road and lands between 6a and 8 Great James Street.
The application for the demolition of the existing Strand Bar and former Flaming Jacks restaurant will now be officially issued by the Planning Officers to the applicants.
Members of the Planning Committee welcomed the new development which will further enhance the city’s tourism accommodation offering within the city centre.
Chief Executive of Derry City and Strabane District Council, John Kelpie, said that the new development was a significant one for the district.
“We are delighted to see the successful delivery of new tourism developments which will enhance the profile of the City and District in keeping with the objectives of the Community Plan.
“This proposal is an important development which will significantly improve the infrastructure of the area and also bring a prominent site within the city centre back into use.
“The development will contribute positively to the economic development and regeneration of the city and the wider north west.”
Speaking after the meeting Planning Committee Chairperson John Boyle said: “I’m delighted to see the plans for this new city centre development progressing and to see more investment in our city in terms of the introduction of new services and facilities.
“I’m confident that the new hotel will contribute to the revitalisation of this area of the city centre, with the potential to attract new investors and further enhance the profile of the area.”
As well as the premises on Strand Road the new development site will also incorporate adjoining lands on Great James Street and Edward Street, which is currently a vacant site.
There is a current live approval for the development of this site which was granted permission in 2011.