THE Neighbourhood Health Improvement Project recently celebrated the positive impact of its work at the ‘Accepting the Challenge’ event held in the Cultural Hub in Rosemount, Derry.
For some seven years, six neighbourhood renewal areas have been working in partnership to deliver a wide range of health initiatives to improve health outcomes in their communities.
The project is core funded by the Department for Communities and the Western Trust is responsible for coordinating this funding.
At the event, a short film launched by the Mayor, Hillary McClintock gave the audience a brief glimpse of the project’s work as seen through the eyes of those people who have benefited.
Six people also spoke about the journeys they made as a result of their participation.
Each described how the support provided enabled them to make positive changes which significantly improved their health and wellbeing.
Speaking at the event Sharon McCullagh, Department for Communities, said: “This health based project demonstrates the impact the Department’s Neighbourhood Renewal funding has on the lives of those participating in the programme, from improving attitude to health, diet and exercise to increasing personal confidence which helps reduce the occurrence of isolation in our communities.”
The recently appointed Chairperson of the Western Trust, Niall Birthistle commended the project for its valuable work and said:
“The Western Trust has long recognised the value of NHIP. The benefits have been clearly demonstrated here by the moving testimony of the participants and by the film. The Western Trust is happy to continue to support this fine project.”
It was also a huge privilege to have both George Hosking and Tom Henderson from the Wave Trust, Pioneer Communities in attendance.
If you would like to learn more about the project please contact the NHIP Project Coordinator on 028 71370287 or email [email protected]