SDLP MID-Ulster MLA Patsy McGlone
SDLP Agriculture Spokesperson Patsy McGlone MLA has slammed comments from British Farming Minister George Eustice at a DUP sponsored event which indicate the government is preparing to drop agriculture subsidies as a result of Brexit.
Mr McGlone said the Minister was softening the ground to abandon another false assurance given by the Leave campaign.
He said: “The British Farming Minister started softening the ground for a policy move that would devastate our agriculture industry and deliver a profound shock to the Northern Ireland economy.
“By saying that we should ‘move away from the notion of subsidies’ for farming, George Eustice is effectively telling farmers on this island – you’re on your own.
“Subsidies for food and dairy production are critical to the viability of this industry and critical to maintaining affordable food prices for consumers.
“Subsidy currently accounts for 87% of some farm incomes.
“Withdrawing that income source would be a n unmitigated disaster.
“It was galling to see DUP Agriculture Minister Michelle McIlveen stand by as the British Minister planted the seeds for such a significant policy move.
“On the 20th June, three days before the referendum, Michelle McIlveen said ‘agriculture does rely on subsidies but there is no reason why these would cease outside the EU.’
“Has she now performed a dramatic U-Turn on that position?
“Is the DUP cosying up to the Tory Brexiteers as they jettison pledge after pledge now more important than standing up for our farmers and agri-food industry?
“The Minister has questions to answer and she should do so immediately.”