Sinn Fein councillor Kevin Campbell
SINN Féin Councillor Kevin Campbell has welcomed the announcement by the Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard that work is starting on a £270,000 resurfacing scheme on the Southway in the Creggan area of Derry.
Colr. Campbell said: “This is great news for the hundreds of motorists and pedestrians that use Southway on a daily basis.
“I have raised this issue with Transport NI on a number of occasions and had been told that they had it on their priority list.
“I called on Transport NI to put this road to the top of the priority list so as when the money became available this much needed and overdue work can be carried out straight away.”
He added: “I had been getting constant complaints from residents living in the area about the state of the road.
“The Creggan estate has a population of around 12,000 and has only three main arterial routes into the estate and Southway being one of them is in a very bad state.”