Art Parkinson, actor from Game of Thrones & voive of Kubo in Kubo & The Two Strings; Miriam O’Callaghan, RTÉ presenter and Mícheál Ó Ciaraidh, of TG4 and Operation Transformation.
COMMUNITIES across the island of Ireland and indeed around the globe are set to celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge (Irish Language Week) which begins on 1st March and runs all the way to St Patrick’s Day on 17th March.
Irish Language Week provides a great opportunity to learners of Irish and fluent speakers alike to celebrate their love of the language, with a focus on community events which promote the everyday use of Irish in everyday settings, and this year’s programme sees a range of events taking place in Derry and Strabane starting on the first of the month and culminating in the St Patrick’s Day celebrations on 17th March.
As the focus of the programme is community events in community settings, many of the events are free but they do require participation, so if you’re a learner of Irish or a fluent speaker there are plenty of opportunities to get out and celebrate the Irish language with others in your local community.
This year’s programme includes a range of events which offer opportunities to use your Irish including: exhibitions, coffee mornings, courses, conversation circles, conferences, dramas, dance events, music events, family events, quizzes, breakfast events, walks, information sessions and all culminating with the St Patrick’s Day Spring Carnival on Friday 17th March.
Plenty of opportunities to explore all that the Irish language has to offer.
Pól Ó Frighil, Irish Language Officer with Derry City and Strabane District Council, which organises the St Patrick’s Day Spring Carnival speaking ahead of Irish Language Week said: “The Council is delighted to offer its support to the Irish Language Week celebrations and we recognise the hard work that local committees, schools and Irish language organisations undertake throughout the year to promote opportunities for people to learn and use the language.
“The Council hopes that this year’s programme which offers events at locations throughout the Council area will further increase the profile of the language and reaffirm its status as a language which can be enjoyed by everyone”.
To keep up-to-date with all that’s happening over the Irish Language Week period you can visit Derry City and Strabane District Council’s Irish Language page at www.derrystrabane.com/gaeilge or check out local Irish language event listings on Facebook at www.facebook.com/foramphobalnagaeilge.
Events Programme: https://issuu.com/gaeilge/docs/seachtain_na_gaeilge_2017
Doire agus an Srath Bán réidh le tús a chur le Seachtain na Gaeilge 2017
Tugann Seachtain na Gaeilge deis d’fhoghlaimeoirí agus chainteoirí líofa araon ceiliúradh a dhéanamh ar a ngrá don teanga agus béim ar imeachtaí pobail agus ar úsáid laethúil na Gaeilge i ngnáthshuíomhanna coitianta. I mbliana tá imeachtaí ag tarlú i nDoire agus ar an tSrath Bán ag tosú ar an 1ú Márta agus ag críochnú ar Lá Fhéile Pádraig ar an 17ú Márta.
De thairbhe go bhfuil béim ar imeachtaí sa phobal, tá saorchead isteach chuig an chuid is mó de na himeachtaí ach ní mór páirt a ghlacadh, mar sin, más foghlaimeoir thú nó cainteoir líofa Gaeilge beidh neart deiseanna ann le dul i mbun cainte agus i mbun ceiliúrtha le daoine eile i do phobal áitiúil.
San áireamh i gclár imeachtaí na bliana seo tá: taispeántas ar an Ghaeilge, maidin chaife, cúrsaí Gaeilge, ciorcail chomhrá, comhdháil, dráma, imeachtaí ceoil agus damhsa, imeachtaí teaghlaigh, tráth na gceist, imeachtaí bricfeasta, siúlóidí, agus seisiúin eolais, agus seo uilig ag críochnú le páráid Lá Fhéile Pádraig ar an 17ú Márta. Neart deiseanna le bheith ag plé leis an Ghaeilge!
Dúirt Pól Ó Frighil, Oifigeach Gaeilge le Comhairle Chathair Dhoire agus Cheantar an tSratha Báin a eagraíonn Carnabhal an Earraigh ar Lá Fhéile Pádraig “Tá lúcháir ar an Chomhairle bheith in ann tacú le Seachtain na Gaeilge agus aithníonn muid an dea-obair agus an dua a chuireann coistí áitiúla, scsoileanna agus eagraíochtaí Gaeilge isteach i rith na bliana le deiseanna a chur ar fáil don phobal chun an Ghaeilge a fhoghlaim agus a úsáid. Tá súil againn go dtiocfaidh méadú breise ar phróifíl na Gaeilge i mbliana de bharr Sheachtain na Gaeilge agus tá muid cinnte de go dtreiseoidh sí stádas na Gaeilge mar theanga do chách”.
Bí ar an eolas is déanaí faoi gach imeacht atá ag tarlú mar chuid de Sheachtain na Gaeilge trí shúil a chaitheamh ar leathanach Gaeilge Chomhairle Chathair Dhoire agus Cheantar an tSratha Báin ag www.derrystrabane.com/gaeilge nó tabhair cuairt orainn ar Facebook www.facebook.com/foramphobalnagaeilge nó ar Twitter @foramphobal.
Clár Imeachtaí: https://issuu.com/gaeilge/docs/seachtain_na_gaeilge_2017