Walkers/runners gather for the Darkness into Light 5km walk/run in Derry this morning. PIX BY DONAL DUNN/NORTHWEST NEWS PIX
SEVERAL hundred people were up before the crack of dawn this morning – and it was all in aid of those suffering mentally with life and who struggle to get through the day without thoughts of suicide or self-harm.
So this morning, Darkness Into Light (DIL) gathered at 4.30 am at the car park at Sainsburys all dressed in their Yellow T-shirts and armed with their torches.
It began with the Encore Choir singing ‘Bridge Over Trouble Waters’, a poignant song given the recent deaths in the River Foyle of two much loved young and much missed Derry lads Jack Glenn and Dean Millar.
After the singing was over, around 400 people took park including a number of runners in the 5km walk/run for suicide and self harm prevention.