Fr Edward Daly waves a white handkerchief as an injured man is carried away on Bloody Sunday
THE Public Prosecution Service has confirmed that 18 former british soldiers are under investigation over their actions on Bloody Sunday in Derry 45 year ago.
The families of the victims were informed of the investigations and told that a final decision on whether prosecutions would be mounted would be taken by late summer this year.
The Irish News reports today that a wide range of charges are being considered by the PPS.
The PSNI ‘s Major Investigation Team launched an investigation in the wake of the publication of the Saville report into Bloody Sunday.
Lord Saville and his inquiry panel found that the killings were “unjustified and unjustifiable”.
British Paratroopers shot 26 unarmed civilians on January 30th 1972 a peaceful civil rights protest march in the city.
Thirteen people were killed that day with a fourteenth later dying in hospital from his injuries.
John Kelly, whose 17-year-old brother Michael was among those shot dead by British Paratroopers said the meeting with the PPS had been very useful.
He told The Irish News: “I know Derry people are very frustrated at the time it is taking for the PPS to decide whether or not any of the soldiers will be prosecuted.
“But it’s important that the law now takes its course and that this done right,” added Mr Kelly.

Killed on Bloody Sunday: The victims