Sinn Fein MEP Martina Anderson
SINN Féin MEP Martina Anderson has welcomed confirmation from the Irish Government that it is seeking special status for the North of Ireland in the Brexit negotiations.
Ms. Anderson was speaking after Dublin’s Foreign Affairs Minister Simon Coveney said the Irish Government is demanding ‘special status’ for the North after Brexit.
The Minister also dismissed ‘language coming from London’ in recent days that technology alone could bypass the need for border posts.
“It is a very welcome development that the Dublin Government is now coming onto the ground of special status as the only way to prevent a hard border in Ireland in the event of Brexit,” she said.
“Special status within the EU would also give effect to the democratic wishes of the majority in the North who voted to remain so Dublin should join us in making that case.
“Sinn Féin has been lobbying every EU member state on the need for special status and there is a great deal of empathy with our position.
“If the Dublin Government is now also coming on board it will greatly strengthen our case, particularly in the face of Britain’s increasingly chaotic Brexit agenda.”