THE Western Trust is offering smokers a free and flexible stop smoking service that is supported and run by specialist stop smoking practitioners.
Smoking Cessation Clinics are run by specialist stop smoking practitioners who offer ongoing support and advice, help develop a personal quit plan based on the individual’s needs and provide information on stop smoking products, withdrawal symptoms and coping strategies.
Weekly Drop-in clinics are available in the following areas:
- Derry Carnhill Resource Centre, Monday (excluding bank holidays from 6pm – 7.30pm.
- Enniskillen, Room15 South West Acute Hospital, Monday (excluding bank holidays) 6pm – 7.30pm.
- Omagh Meeting room ground floor New Omagh Hospital and Primary Care Complex. Clients must use Urgent Care 24hr entrance, Tuesday 6pm- 7.30pm.
- Strabane Health Centre, Wednesday 5pm – 6.30pm.
- Limavady Health Centre, Scroggy Road, Wednesday 5pm – 7pm
The free help provided through these specialist services can improve the chance of stopping successfully by up to four times compared to a smoker trying to stop on their own.
Michelle Scott Smoking Cessation Co-ordinator for the Western Trust said: “Research constantly shows smoking to be the single most preventable cause of illness and preventable death with 2,300 people dying each year from smoking related diseases in Northern Ireland.
“Our smoking cessation team has developed an effective evidence-based service that assists individuals who wish to quit smoking through adopting a non-judgmental, supportive, empathetic and flexible approach.”
She added: “I see the damage smoking does and I also see the health benefits of stopping smoking.#
“The positive effects start immediately after the smoker puts out their final cigarette.
“After only 20 minutes; blood pressure returns to normal and after six months the risk of heart attack, cancer and other ‘smoking’ diseases falls.
“Not only is there enormous health benefits to stopping smoking, there is the additional benefit of savings. On average a 20 a day smoker could save almost £3,500 in a year”
“Most smokers underestimate the effectiveness of professional help, but more people succeed with our Specialist Stop Smoking service than with any other way.
“I would encourage anyone motivated to stop smoking to come along – the sooner you stop, the sooner your health will start to improve.”
Anyone who wants to know more about stopping smoking can call the local helpline on 0800 9179388 where they can speak to a member of the Smoking Cessation Team.