A MAJOR new housing development is set to create 750 new jobs.
Braidwater has unveiled plans to build over 400 new homes in Derry over the next three years.
The new houses will support more than 750 direct and indirect jobs during the build phase in an investment totalling over £60m.
Local suppliers will provide the building materials, and it is expected that more than 30 sub-contractors from the surrounding area will be employed during the build phase.
The new units have a completion date of 2020 and are part of the first phase of £300m worth of long term projects planned for the north west area.
Joe McGinnis, Managing Director of Braidwater, said: “We plan to offer homes of distinction, designed to enhance lifestyles by creating places of respite and community.
“We are planning communities while responding to existing neighbourhoods and connecting these through crafted open spaces.
“For every £1 spent in construction £2.84 will be generated in the local economy.
“This will support a strong local supply chain maintained and grown since the recession, alongside the trickle-down economic effect for services, suppliers etc generated through local spending when new homes are occupied.
“These projects and additional long term projects will deliver significant benefits to the local economy including developer led contributions to roads improvements, public transport, play parks, neighbourhood centres, landscape maintenance in conjunction with the Council, commercial and retail areas and schools.
“This will give the ability for the district to maintain a competitive and affordable housing market in the long term, providing communities and economic activity that will leave a lasting legacy.”
Laura Fox, the Head of Planning with Derry City and Strabane District Council says her team have been working in close partnership with a number of developers from both the social and private housing sectors, including Braidwater, on a wide range of development projects across the City and District.
“Collaborative working between the planning team and the developers is essential to successfully delivering sustainable communities throughout the Council area.
“Since the transfer of Planning powers from Central Government to the local Council two years ago, the Council has overseen the approval of approximately 3000 units, while in the past year alone, we have successfully delivered on 367 social housing units, the highest number in any Council in Northern Ireland.”
New show homes are available to view by appointment at Ashbrook Court, Drumahoe and the exclusive Birch Hill development with Phase 2 now on release.