SDLP councillor Martin Reilly
POLITICIANS have condemned last night’s bomb attack on a home in Derry.
Loyalist paramilitaries have been blamed for the attack on a house in Heron Way in the Waterside during which a pipe was thrown threw a smash window.
“It’s through luck rather than design that we aren’t dealing with a tragedy this morning.
“Police currently believe this to be the work of a loyalist paramilitary grouping. Those behind this depraved attack have no place in our city.
“Their violence has been rejected by people here in the past and it will continue to be rejected today.
“Late at night people were left having to find alternative arrangements and thanks must go to those in Lincoln Courts Community Centre which opened up for them overnight.
“I’ve been speaking to residents and police at the scene and they all hope to have people back in their homes as soon as possible when the area can be declared safe.
“I would appeal to anyone with any information to come forward to the police as soon as possible.”
Foyle MP Elisha McCallion is convening an emergency meeting today in response to a recent spate of gun and bombs attacks in the Waterside area of the city.
elisha mccallion
“The recent attacks are greatly concerning and clearly there are ongoing tensions in the area,” she commented.
“I believe an urgent approach involving all the relevant agencies and community representatives is required in order to address this issue before someone is seriously injured or even killed.
“I have called today’s meeting in order to ensure all the relevant stakeholders are taking a co-ordinated approach aimed at defusing this situation.
“There can be no place for gun and bomb attacks in our city and I would urge all political and community leaders to use their influence to bring it to an end.”