EVERY year around 14 people in the North of Ireland die waiting for an organ transplant.
During Organ Donation Week – which starts today, Monday September 4 and runs juntil September September 10 – the Western Trust is highlighting the real shortage of organ donations in Derry and encouraging everyone to register to become an organ donor.
Dr Declan Grace, Lead Clinician for Organ Donation at the Western Trust said: “Organ donation transforms and saves lives and the Western Trust is encouraging everyone to join the Organ Donor register and tell their loved ones that they wish to be a donor, so that they are aware of their wishes.
“Deciding to become an organ donor is entirely your decision but it does affect your family.
“After your death your next of kin will be consulted on whether your organs can be donated, even if you carry a donor card, and any decision they make will be respected.
“When families or friends know the wishes of their loved ones it makes the situation less stressful and can give them the confidence to fulfil your wish to be an organ donor.
“No one wants to think or talk about dying but set in the context of helping one or more than one person after death, the conversation becomes easier.
“The more people pledge to donate their organs and tissues after their death, the more people stand to benefit. Between 1 April 2016 and 31 March 2017 there were seven organ donors in the Western Trust area, resulting in 17 patients receiving a transplant.
“While this is very encouraging, there is still a lot of work to do to ensure as many people as possible join the Organ Donor register and tell their loved ones about their wishes.”
There are many ways to register as a potential donor:
- Register online at www.organdonation.nhs.uk or www.organdonationni.info
- Register when applying for or renewing a driving licence.
- Register when registering with a G.P Practice.
- Telephone the N.H.S. Donor Line 0300 123 23 23. Telephone lines are open 24 hours a day all year round.
- Download a form from www.organdonation.nhs.uk, print it and return it by Freepost
- Register when applying for a Boot’s Advantage Card.
Each of us can save a life. Together we shall save many lives. Let’s do it!