Speaking ahead of today’s visit Foyle MLA Raymond McCartney said “The delegation will be visiting Tony in Maghaberry prison.
“Sinn Féin has consistently stated that if evidence exists to show that Tony Taylor is a risk to the public it should be put before him and his legal team in open court so this can be challenged.
“His continued detention is a violation of fundamental human rights and subversion of due process. It is a form of legalised interment by remand and a denial of natural justice.
“Sinn Féin representatives have continuously raised this matter with the British Secretary of State and most recently, Elisha McCallion MP raised the matter with the British Prime Minister, Theresa May.”
Martina Anderson said: “I addressed the chamber in the European Parliament in Strasbourg last night and raised the case of imprisoned Derry man, Tony Taylor.
“I told MEPs that his continued imprisonment is an affront to justice and democracy.
“His continued detention is wrong and needs to end.
“I told the Parliament that he should be released immediately or brought before a court.
“On Friday, Elisha McCallion MP, Raymond McCartney MLA and I will be going to Maghaberry to visit Tony Taylor and we will once again call for his release.”