Sinn Fein MEP Martina Anderson
SINN Féin MEP Martina Anderson has called for an integrated agricultural administration system on the island of Ireland.
Martina Anderson said: “Today I will be attending the National Ploughing Championships, one of the biggest events in the agricultural calendar, in Tullamore.
“It is one of the largest agricultural shows on the island and attracts visitors from north, south east and west.
“Our agriculture industry on this island is recognised internationally for its excellence and the international community does not see borders when it comes to our produce.
“Given the challenges we face with Brexit, particularly in agriculture , it is vital that the agricultural sector starts preparing for Irish unity.
“An integrated agricultural administration system on the island of Ireland would remove trade barriers, obstacles around country of origin labelling, and differing animal health regulations.
“Irish unity makes sense for our agri-food and farming sectors north and south and we need to start preparing for it now,” added the MEP.