The Foyle said: Today we have arrived at the unforgivable position where the British Government has had to step in and set a budget for Northern Ireland in Westminster. This is British Direct Rule delivered by the DUP and Sinn Féin.
“Almost a year ago, standing shoulder to shoulder in the Executive, the DUP and Sinn Féin promised the public they would not abandon the North to British Direct Rule. Today they have broken that promise.
“After previously conspiring to hand over all of our powers on welfare, it seems that the DUP and Sinn Féin are intent on handing the British Government back full control over our lives.
“The DUP and Sinn Féin are allowing the British Government to take back control.
“It is clear from the meetings the SDLP has had with the Secretary of State this budget was based on the direction of travel from the previous Executive.
“It is Sinn Féin former Finance Minister Mairtín Ó Muilleoir’s budget. The budget he failed to set when he was Minister. The budget that will leave the North frozen in failure. With no ambition and no creative thinking on how we take our society forward.
“While public services may ‘tick over’, in reality they are just standing still. At a time when government here should be working to deliver an ambitious programme for government that protects the North from Brexit and crisis, the DUP and Sinn Féin have abdicated all responsibility.
“It is a dark day, particularly for those who worked hard to see power in the hands of Irish people. Those who promised they would not abandon us to direct rule – have abandoned us to British direct rule.”