The planning application for the 152 bedroom hotel to occupy Buildings 63, 67, 68, 69 & 79 Ebrington Barracksis now live.
As a result, Derry City and Strabane District Council is seeking public feedback on the proposed design for what will be one of the most prominent developments within the historic site.
The proposed hotel will feature a restaurant and bar, function suite, meeting rooms, a gym and a spa, with on-site parking to the rear of the building.
It is one of a number of developments planned for the site, which will be handed over to Derry City and Strabane District Council in 2018 by the Executive Office.
The Ebrington Hotel is a £15m investment by the Ebrington Leisure Group, and it’s anticipated the venture will create around 100 new full and part time jobs.
Director of Environment and Regeneration with Council, Karen Phillips, encouraged local people to give their views on what will potentially be a transformative project for the area.
“The Ebrington Square site will be a major element of Council’s property portfolio, with the potential to drive investment in the Waterside area.
“The new hotel development if approved, will not only bring visitors to the area, it will also bring jobs, and local people should have their say on how this project develops.
“There is also the historic aspect to consider, and the fact that the buildings on this site are listed, which will impact on how they should be refurbished and regenerated.
“Council is currently working on the Local Development Plan for Derry and Strabane.
“We want local people to get involved in all aspects of its preparation and to participate in the future development of our District.
“I would really urge everyone to read the proposed plans for this particular site, due to its strategic significance in terms of both the local economy and as a place of great historic interest.”
The submitted proposals for the hotel state that any development will be sympathetic to the existing historic building and that ‘…extensions are proposed to echo the materials, window arrangements and vertical emphasis of the existing Clock Tower Building and former barracks buildings and to provide contrast yet respect the adjacent listed buildings at the same time.’
Council is currently engaged in producing the Local Development Plan (LDP) for Derry and Strabane.
This sets out the future planning framework for the entire district in keeping with the aspirations of the recently published Strategic Growth Plan.
A fundamental part of the new planning process, under which both the LDP and Development Management process operates, is open and effective engagement.
Council regularly seeks to stimulate public feedback, via IMPROVE, for such significant and prominent planning applications with a view to informing discussions with applicants on developments prior to determining the application.
IMPROVE is an EU funded project by the Northern Periphery and Arctic 2014-2020 programme, which aims to facilitate citizens in helping local Councils enhance public services including planning.
Any comments received as part of the IMPROVE project will not be treated as an official representation (either objection or support) to this specific proposal and can be made online at www.derrystrabane.com.
Formal representation on this Planning Application, Application Reference: LA11/2017/0862/F can be made online at www.planningni.gov.uk