Mr McCartney was speaking after the SDLP Leader called for the entire Social Investment Fund (SIF) to be brought to a close.
The Foyle MLA said: “Sinn Féin has highlighted abuses of state funding in loyalist areas including abuses of SIF funding. Such abuses should be tackled vigorously by the authorities.
“However, what Colum Eastwood is now advocating is scrapping the entire programme.
“If that is now the SDLP’s position, despite the fact they were involved in the SIF allocations, he should state clearly whether that includes the transformative work SIF has carried out in Derry,
“Does it, for example, include the SIF funds allocated in partnership with Derry & Strabane Council, to new play facilities and new pitches in the Brandywell and Ballymagroarty?
“Does it include the funding of a highly-successful community work programme in cooperation with the Greater Shantallow Area Partnership?
“Colum Eastwood should tell the public in Derry who have benefited from these investments why he is so offended by these projects and which he wants to shut down,” added Mr McCartney.