Mr Tierney said: “People in Galliagh will be shocked and angry to learn that their local co-op has been robbed.
“This shop is at the centre of the community and is used by everyone in this area.
“Those responsible gave no consideration to the staff who work here or to the wider community who will suffer, as the store has to close for today.
“I went to the scene and I was alarmed to see how sophisticated this robbery was.
“People here will be upset to learn of another incident in the area. Recently we have seen a spate of burglaries across the city, leaving citizens anxious and frightened.
“The SDLP recently met with the PSNI who are continuing to work to get to the bottom of this upsurge.
“I would urge anyone who has safety concerns to get in touch with me at Colum Eastwood MLA’s office.
“I can arrange a free home safety visit to be carried out in partnership with my colleagues at Team Works and the PCSP.
“Everyone should be extra vigilant and look out for neighbours.
“If you have any information about the co-op robbery or if see anything suspicious report it immediately to the police.
“We need to work together to get to the bottom of these incidents so that we can make our communities safer,” added Cllr Tierney.