Sinn Fein councillor Kevin Campbell
SINN Féin Irish Language spokesperson Councillor Kevin Campbell said an Acht Gaeilge is an issue of respect, an issue of recognition and an issue of rights.
Speaking after a protest at Stormont calling for an Acht Gaeilge he said: “Acht Gaeilge is an issue of respect, an issue of recognition and an issue of rights.
“An Irish Language Act has both practical and symbolic importance in recognising and respecting Irish national identity.
“There needs to be language rights and protections in the north, just as there is in the rest of Ireland, in Scotland and in Wales.
“Irish language rights are a central part of the Good Friday Agreement and an Acht Gaeilge is a part of the 2006 St Andrew’s Agreement.
“Irish language speakers are entitled to the same language rights as enjoyed by citizens in other parts of these islands.
“These rights threaten no one; they humiliate no-one.
“It is time now to end the denial of rights and disrespect shown to the Irish language, culture and identity.
“It is time for an Acht Gaeilge.”