The Pre Consultation workshops will discuss the future shape of employment programmes and services in the Council area in line with the draft Programme for Government on Friday 23rd March 2018 at 9.30am in the City Hotel, Derry and 1.30pm at the Alley Theatre, Strabane.
“The draft Programme for Government 2016-21 makes a commitment to address economic and social outcomes,” explained Mentoring and Employment Officer at Derry City and Strabane District Council, Nicky Gilleece.
“As part of this commitment anyone interested in shaping the employment and training sector locally is invited to a pre-consultation event with the Department for Communities in relation to employment programmes and services.
“The Policy Review will result in a Work, Health and Wellbeing Framework being developed that will support a fresh suite of programmes and services designed to support people to move into sustainable work.”
Registration for the Derry event will start at 9.00am with pre-consultation commencing at 09.30.am. Lunch will be provided at 12 noon.
Registration for the Strabane event will start at 1.30pm with pre-consultation commencing at 2.00pm.
Anyone interested is asked confirm attendance by 5pm on Tuesday 20th March 2018 by emailing or phoning Nicky Gilleece at [email protected] / 02871308466.
Please state who will be attending and which session they will be attending.