The Your Dog, Your Mess campaign is delivered in partnership with Live Here, Love Here, and calls on dog owners to ‘bag and bin’ dog mess. Council provides 711 dog bins across the District.
Launching the campaign, Deputy Mayor of Derry and Strabane, Councillor John Boyle, said it was a reminder that responsible dog ownership benefits everyone. “Dog excrement left on our streets and in parks poses a serious public health hazard,” he warned.
“While it’s good that owners have become more conscientious when clearing up after their dogs, there are far too many incidents where people’s health is being put at risk when animal faeces is left in public places.
“I would encourage people to use the bins provided and to be aware that their carelessness could have a serious consequence for others.”
Council’s Head of Health and Community Wellbeing, Seamus Donaghy, stressed that the facilities are there, so there is simply no excuse for fouling.
“Our litter surveys show that one third of littered areas are because of dog fouling, which is totally irresponsible and preventable.
“We have found that people are more inclined to let dogs do their business on grassed areas rather than on footpaths but this is still reckless in terms of public health and our local environment.
“We would encourage dog owners to carry a bag to scoop their dog’s poop and place it in a designated dog fouling bin or black bin.
“If you get caught short when out with your pet, call into a Council facility where reception staff will be happy to provide you with a bag.
“It’s also worth noting that if you are caught allowing your dog to foul and don’t clean it up, you will be fined £80.
“We’d also like to encourage the public to report dog fouling by emailing[email protected] or calling 02871253253. Hopefully this campaign will be a wakeup call to irresponsible dog owners.”