Red tomatoes
DERRY City and Strabane District Council have teamed up with the Conservation Volunteers to deliver a gardening course to local unemployed residents aimed at helping them enhance their skills base, employability and confidence.
The Health and Wellbeing through Horticulture course is being hosted at Brooke Park and will run for two days a week for 13 weeks from mid-June.
The initiative is suitable for men and women of all ages and backgrounds and will teach them the basics of gardening and growing their own vegetables as well as earning them a qualification in the discipline of horticulture.
Project Officer at Derry City and Strabane District Council, Nicky Gilleece, said prospective candidates could make significant gains from doing the course, regardless of whether or not they are considering a career in horticulture.
“The Health and Wellbeing through Horticulture course is an ideal way to get outside during the summer months and learn new skills, make new friends and build the confidence to improve your overall health and wellbeing,” she noted.
“On successful completion of the course participants will receive a Level Two Certificate in Work Based Horticulture, First Aid training and a Construction Skills Register Card.
“Some of those who complete the course may decide to pursue a career in horticulture but all of them will have gained a positive experience and enhanced their employment prospects.”
Everyone enrolled on the course will receive a free daily lunch and the necessary protective equipment and training will all be provided by Council.
Anyone interested in applying should contact Shannon Healy at The Conservation Volunteer office in Brooke Park on 028 71 262664 or e mail [email protected] for an application form.
The closing date for the return of forms is Monday June 8th 2018.