Sinn Fein councillor Patricia Logue
The Sinn Féin spokesperson for Health said her party is now seeking a meeting with health service payroll bosses to discuss the problem which has left workers short in their pay packets.
Said Cllr Logue: “It is deeply concerning that HSC staff face considerable deductions from wages, due to a reported underpayment of pension contributions.
“Through no fault of their own, some staff are facing considerable financial pressures at short notice.
“This is not the first time there have been issues with payments from the Business Services Organisation.
“In 2016 an issue occurred with paying staff their wages as a result of an IT issue.
“We have written to the Business Services Organisation which handles payroll and salaries for staff in all the trusts asking for a meeting and some clarity for workers.
“We want to know why staff were left in the dark during this process, how many were affected and what arrangements are being put in place so that staff will not be out of pocket.
“In the here and now, we need to see every effort made to make sure that staff receive the money and assistance needed to get them through the coming days and months.
“Staff should not be penalised by a mistake not of their making. It is unacceptable that staff have been left in the dark through this process, not knowing if they will be affected or by how much,” added Cllr Logue.