Seminar to be held at Everglades Hotel on licences
The seminar, to be held at the Everglades Hotel, Derry on Wednesday 24 October, will be divided up into two sessions.
The early morning session from 9.30am to 12.30pm is for those responsible for managing premises that require an Entertainment Licence, while the afternoon session to be held from 1.30pm to 4.30pm is specifically for persons responsible for managing events that will require an Occasional Entertainments Licence.
To attend the seminars, participants must register in advance with the Council.
Danny Meenan is the Principal Officer with Derry City and Strabane District Council’s Licensing and Safety Advisory Group.
He explained that the purpose of the seminar is to get pub and club owners, managers and event organisers from across the Council area to come together to obtain useful information and advice regarding the legal requirements and obligations associated with entertainment licences and occasional entertainment licences.
He said: “The Seminar for Entertainment Licence Holders is an opportunity for Council not only to inform them of the duties within the legislation but to offer them advice and support on good practice.
“The seminar will also provide us with an opportunity to raise awareness of recently introduced legislation that may have an impact on events that require entertainment licences such as that relating to Pavement Cafes and road closures for special events.
“We have issued invites out to all licence holders encouraging them to attend.
“The seminar will have a strong health and safety focus and will be attended by a number of statutory agencies who will be promoting awareness of issues concerning drugs and alcohol.”
The seminar is organised by Derry City and Strabane District Council’s Licensing and Safety Advisory Group section with support from a range of partners.
Among those presenting at the seminar will be representatives from the Licensing section of Council, the NIFRS, the PSNI and Community Safety officers, NI Ambulance Service and DFI Road Service.
Anyone interested in attending is urged to register in advance as the number of places is limited – to register email [email protected].