Aoibhin Stewart selected as youngest ‘Change Something ‘ judge
At the age of 13, she has been selected as the youngest member of a new ‘Change Something’ judging panel which will take decisions on the funding of youth projects across the Derry City & Strabane District Council area.
Council and the Big Lottery Fund have come together and are investing £100,000 in the new ‘Change Something’ project in the run up to ‘Youth 19’ – a year dedicated to young people in the North West.
The ‘Change Something Fund’ – delivered by the Community Foundation for Northern Ireland’s Acorn Fund – is one of a series of opportunities for young people to bring their hopes and aspirations to life during Youth 19.
Aoibhín, a student at Holy Cross College in Strabane, recently joined the 14-strong panel of judges (aged 13-24) who will take decisions on applications to the new Change Something Fund – where grants from £200 to £3,000 will be made available to projects during Youth 19.
“I’m really delighted to have been selected to join the new ‘Change Something’ judging panel – which is a great opportunity for young people to show the positive things they do within their community” she said.
“Whilst I’m only 13, I’m really enjoying taking part in the life of my school and I think that young people are the best people to decide what’s best for us.”
“I’m also very passionate about my local community and want to make a real difference!”
“With young people taking decisions on the projects to fund, it means that this money will definitely have an impact on us. I also believe Strabane can be a much better place with the help and input of young people.
“I’ve already now received training as a member of the new judging panel – and will be giving 100% to this fantastic project.
“Indeed, it’s really great to be doing more to help our town – and I promise to be the best judge that I can be.
“I also can’t wait now to see the applications from young people to the new Change Something Fund – and hear about all the brilliant ideas to help make Strabane a better place’.
The first open call for young people aged 13-24 to apply to the new ‘Change Something Fund’ was launched earlier this month and will close at 5pm on 7th November 2018.
To apply to the new Change Something Fund please visit youth19.com/change_something
For further information and updates on the Change Something Fund visit youth19.com