Sinn Fein Councillor Kevin Campbell
Councillor Campbell said: “I was contacted on Monday night by residents in the Broadway area of Creggan to tell me that suspected ‘joyriders’ had crashed a car in the area.
“Myself and another Sinn Féin activist went to the scene and spoke to local residents.
“A number of cars were damaged including one belonging to health care workers who were out helping in the community.
“In this incident one of the cars ended up on the pavement.
“This was a very frightening experience for everyone caught up in it.
“Worryingly it comes as my party colleague Hayleigh Fleming is reporting similar problems in the Hazelbank area of the city.
“There is no place in our community for ‘ joyriders’.T
“hey are a scourge on society and a danger to everyone in the community and I would urge anyone with information on those involved to bring it forward,” added Cllr Campbell.